Thursday, December 7, 2023

My Love is a Loneliness

Enlightenment thought: "Rights" are based upon the "unknowability" of human nature. (life/liberty/pursuit of happiness)

Modern Enlightenment economics replaced virtue/religion as foci in West.

The original violence of property acquisition intervenes in the Enlightenment from the East, 9/11, bin Laden.

Then... "but none of this will matter if we're all dead in the short run." Okay, so today mere self-preservation forces all of us to look at the world in New, to think strange new thoughts, and thereby to awaken from that very long and profitable period of intellectual Slumber and Amnesia that is so misleadingly called the Enlightenment.

What's going to be primarily new is that we must go counter to the enlightenment presuppositions. Counter to the intellectual slumber and amnesia that we've inherited, and that we have wrongly evaluated previously only positively, if we are to survive the East's challenge.

We Need counter-Enlightenment thinking ( because the Enlightenment Economic model failed to keep the Peace.

Recap: Peter Thiel: The Straussian moment... we have the problem of September 11th, 9/11. The Islamic attacks on the Twin Towers. You have the fact that this force is a reconsideration of the foundations of the modern world because it seemingly refutes some of our political and Military assumptions (both the technological feat and the failure of the economic model.) I mean the model that economics, economic incentives, can reduce violence in the most important cases. Then we have the problematic history of the question of human nature; namely that it's been taken off the table in order to avoid conflict (religious wars/ nation state wars), and that was replaced by a Lockean model, but that the Lockean model has proven to be a failure, in part because of these two border cases: the case of the violent origin of property acquisition and the border of the non-western world, but also with the fact that oil itself, such an important feature in the modern world, is not properly accounted for. So it seems in Lockes model of Labor and nature. Therefore we have to look outside the Enlightenment resources, outside Locke. Not necessarily going to the pre-Enlightenment, but going to something slightly adjacent. Which is what he begins to do when he turns next to Carl Schmitt.

"Humanity's nature to know nothing about the nature of humanity". That was our unknowable X. Remember, Schmitt responds that it's equally a part of the human condition to be divided by such questions and to be forced to take sides. Politics is the field of battle in which that division takes place, in which humans are forced to choose between friends and enemies.

So in other words this is (Thiel quoting Schmitt) telling us that if you "believe in the goodness of human nature", well there are historical examples that those who think that are suckers and they're blind and they don't see what's right around the corner. Absent an invasion by aliens from outer space there never can be a world state that politically unites all of humanity. It's a logical impossibility.

If one agrees with Schmitt's starting assumptions, he writes, then the West must lose the war (on Terror) or lose its identity. One way or the other, the Persistence of the political spells the Doom of the modern West.

Kojiev's end of history: So long as the political exists, the world will remain divided. There's no guarantee that the political itself will survive. Let us grant that unilateral disarmament is impossible, at least for those who value survival, but is it not possible perhaps for everyone to disarm at once and for everyone to reject politics at the same time. There can be no worldwide political entity, but there's a possibility of a worldwide abandonment of Politics.

Schmitt end of history: Schmitt Echoes these sentiments but with rather different conclusions. In such a unified world, what remains is neither politics, nor State, but Culture, Civilization, Economics, Morality, Law, Art, Entertainment, Etc.. So at the end of History, in this worl,d after man's historical action, things still happen. You could still go to the casino. You could still flip on the TV. You could still go skip stones on the water, but "politics" is over. Politics is over, but Entertainment is not. So the world of "Entertainment" represents the culmination of the shift away from politics, a representation of reality might appear to replace reality. Instead of violent Wars, there could be violent video games. Instead of heroic feats, there could be thrilling amusement park rides. Instead of serious thought, there could be intrigues of all sorts. As in a soap opera, it is a world where people spend their lives amusing themselves to death. Schmitt does not reject the possibility of such a world out of hand, but believes it will not happen in an entirely ooous manner. The acute question Schmitt writes to pose is, "Upon whom will fall the frightening power?" Implied in a world embracing economic and Technical organization. This question can by no means be dismissed in the belief that everything would then function automatically, that things would administer themselves, and that a Government "by people, over people would be Superfluous because human beings would then be 'absolutely free' for what would they be free? This can be answered by optimistic, or pessimistic conjectures, all of which finally lead to an anthropological profession." Of the Schmitt such an artificial world, and by the way as you read this Schmitt talking about artificial world of entertainment, everything somehow organized, "Upon whom will fall the frightening power?" (If you have any interest in the question of artificial intelligence and whether AI can become government and all of that.)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


[Verse 1]
Can't take champagne to the grave
We all end up six feet under anyways
It doesn't matter who you were before
'Cause no one's actually keepin' score
So why is everyone pretending
That it matters what you're spending?
What you look like, what you say
When at the end of the day
No one makes it out alive
There's no point in your pretty lies, so
Fuck designer, start a riot
Perfect's goin' out of style
I don't need no glitter dreams
I'm okay with crooked teeth
All I need is just to feel like me
I don't need no glitter dreams
I'm okay with crooked teeth
All I need is just to feel like me
No one makes it out alive (Oh-oh)
There's no point in your pretty lies, so
Fuck designer, start a riot
Perfect's goin' out of style
No one makes it out alive
There's no point in your pretty lies, so
Fuck designer, start a riot
Perfect's goin' out of style

Now Cancel dem B*tches! Throw 'em under a bus!

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Perpetual Present

Descartes A Kant

We are uncertainty Searching for certainty If the world If the world If the world wants to break I'll scream Sob with ecstasy My dreams left me If the world If the world If the world wants to break I’ll scream There will be creation after destruction, you'll see There will be creation after destruction, you'll see Sob with ecstasy My dreams left me If the world If the world If the world wants to break I’ll scream There will bе creation after destruction Thеre will be creation after destruction There will be creation after destruction, you'll see

Monday, May 8, 2023

Rush is Losing It...

The dancer slows her frantic pace
In pain and desperation
Her aching limbs and downcast face
Aglow with perspiration

Stiff as wire, her lungs on fire
With just the briefest pause
The flooding through her memory
The echoes of old applause.

She limps across the floor
And closes her bedroom door...

The writer stare with glassy eyes
Defies the empty page
His beard is white, his face is lined
And streaked with tears of rage

Thirty years ago, how the words would flow
With passion and precision
But now his mind is dark and dulled
By sickness and indecision

And he stares out the kitchen door
Where the sun will rise no more

Some are born to move the world
To live their fantasies
But most of us just dream about
The things we'd like to be

Sadder still to watch it die
Than never to have known it
For you, the blind who once could see
The bell tolls for thee
The bell tolls for

For you the blind who once could see
The bell tolls for thee...
The bell tolls for thee...

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Just Being Me...

Crow Heaven

“#32- The crows like to insist that a single crow is enough to destroy heaven. This is without doubt, but it says nothing about heaven, because heaven is just another way of saying: the impossibility of crows.”
― Franz Kafka, "The Zürau Aphorisms" (1918)

Monday, March 20, 2023

Do Your Shopping for Easter Today, Monday

 The Next Three Weeks of Lent WILL Be Difficult, so Do Your Shopping for Easter NOW!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

John Galt is Coming!


Nick Lopez, "Don't fall for another Jan. 6–style trap!"
President Trump has stated that he will be arrested on Tuesday and we should all take to the streets.

Don't do it!

Stay home, and let the lawyers handle it.

This is a set-up, just like January 6. Don't fall for it.

Don't go anywhere near a federal building, don't stand with groups of people you don't know, and don't send threatening emails.

Stay home, and let the lawyers deal with it. President Trump has good lawyers, he has great lawyers...he even has had Alan Dershowitz as a lawyer.

Trials are meant to be won, by rich people. President Trump is rich. Let him fight his battle. He has proven more than capable.

It's okay to be angry about things. And we are supposed to have the right to protest peacefully. However, they will sabotage that right. They will inject fake bad actors for the express purpose of charging you with a crime.

This will be an attempted Charlottesville and January 6 mass-arrest false flag operation.

Sometimes the best response is no response at all.

If we must respond, then let it be this: call in sick to work, go home, turn off the TV and internet, and pray with your family. Don't order anything, don't buy anything, don't watch anything. Turn off all your streaming services.

If half the country does absolutely nothing for a week, they will have to notice and deal with the fallout — especially if the people calling in sick are the truckers, the miners, the oil rig roughnecks, the firemen, and the police. You know, the conservatives!

If it's not possible for you to take a sick week, then go slow at work. Even that action can have an effect.

But putting yourself in jeopardy isn't going to help anyone. Your government has gone totalitarian. Be mindful of that as events unfold. Because President Trump is not in a position to help the January 6 political prisoners, and he won't be able to help you.