Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Liberalism 5.0 - A Ship that has Already Sailed?

Flying Dutchman

Old lady with a barrow; life near ending
Standing by the harbour wall; warm wishes sending
children on the cold sea swell ---
not fishers of men ---
gone to chase away the last herring:
come empty home again.
So come all you lovers of the good life
on your supermarket run ---
Set a sail of your own devising
and be there when the Dutchman comes.
Wee girl in a straw hat: from far east warring
Sad cargo of an old ship: young bodies whoring
Slow ocean hobo --- ports closed to her crew
No hope of immigration --- keep on passing through.
So come all you lovers of the good life
your children playing in the sun ---
set a sympathetic flag a-flying
and be there when the Dutchman comes.

Death grinning like a scarecrow --- Flying Dutchman
Seagull pilots flown from nowhere --- try and touch one
as she slips in on the full tide
and the harbour-master yells
All hands vanished with the captain ---
no one left, the tale to tell.

So come all you lovers of the good life
Look around you, can you see?
Staring ghostly in the mirror ---
it's the Dutchman you will be
..floating slowly out to sea
in a misty misery.
-Jethro Tull


“Don’t Bother Me With Facts!” said...

Racist, Racist, Racist. That’s what you rightes have become. Not to mention sick, demented, hateful scumbags!

What else to describe such a disgraceful excuse of so-called “Americans” you insult the President for talking about Taxes and Gun Control..
Reagan did raise taxes numerous times because he was semi-rational unlike today’s conservatives. Reagan also produced a huge deficit. HUGE. Reagan began the slow death of the middle class by trickling UP America’s wealth and proving that “supply side” economics was what came out of the horses on Reagan’s ranch. His own David Stockman admitted it, while Bruce Bartlett, another of Reagan’s economic advisors says federal taxes are the lowest in more than 50 years and must be raised. And then there was Iran/Contra, and psychics in the White House and I could go on explaining why it was not such a great time, but I’m sure you’re not interested in facts, and I’m DOUBLY sure that while you say that Reagan inherited a mess that took 8 years to sort of solve, you began blaming Obama the day after his inauguration for the shit-storm he inherited from George Bush….
Obama’s Presidency is Proof the right wing of America are the Party of Hate
Calling the President a traitor and domestic enemy is somewhere between insubordinate and treasonous. Unacceptable for anyone to say such things about the commander in chief. To publicly call the President a domestic enemy and a traitor is seditious at best and mutinous at worst. So…Are you stupid because you believe such nonsense or are you a traitor for perpetuating known lies against your President? It’s quite simple, really. If he was the ‘worst criminal ever’, he would be in jail. He’s not. So you are either stupid or a traitor. So…Which is it? Time to start holding you dolts accountable for your nonsense again.

Obama is NOT a communist, or a Marxist, or a Socialist
Obama is obviously a corportist. Anyone looking at his record, who is aware of what the term means knows that. People who ACTUALLY studied his policies, not the racist, bigoted uneducated scumbag who believes what hate radio and head racist fat pig Rush Limbaugh tells them.
Those spewing the Socialist/MARXIST nams are (deliberately?) misinformed or simply ignorant.
It’s official: its pretty clear that racism is rampant in the GOP. And I think it always was. It just took a Black man becoming president to bring it back to the surface.
Anyone who calls President Obama a fraud and a POS is without doubt a disgusting racist, bigoted piece of shit, and That’s a fact.
Anyone who calls for Obama’s impeachment is also without doubt a disgusting racist, bigoted piece of shit, and That’s a fact.
I get it now, the Party of NO, is basically the Party of NO black people in the White House. There are plenty of individuals with dual citizenship.
Any person born within the United States (inclusive of Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands) is automatically granted U.S. citizenship.

Obama, was born in Hawaii, = US Citizenship. His parents could have been Martians. Their citizenship is irrelevant. If you are born in the US, you are a US citizen as far as the US is concerned. The birthers claims with regard to Obama is that he was NOT born in Hawaii.
Obama is anything but a Socialist. He stands to the Right of Eisenhower and is trying very hard to save American Capitalism from its own stupidity. the racist right call Obama a Marxist, a socialist, a Communist, a Muslim because they can’t call him a Ni@@er! That’s what they mean! They can’t stand having a black in office. that this the cold hard truth!
The biggest threat and disgrace to our country is ignorant bigoted fools. You should be stripped of your right to vote until you learn to accept reality for what it is and stop throwing around conspiracy theories. They still don’t understand that HALF of this country DON’T hate having a black man as President, half of this country aren’t as racist or a bigoted as they are.

Thersites said...

Ah, fan mail from a flounder. Welcome, Question Man... or perhaps I should call you the "Answer Man" for you come bearing no questions.
